Are you struggling to make your monthly rent or mortgage payment? Trying to avoid foreclosure? Looking to fix up your current home or put a down payment on a new one?
UPO is approved as a Housing Counseling Agency by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Our housing counseling services provide the support, advice, and assistance you need to avoid homelessness, become a responsible tenant or owner, and live in comfort, safety, and security.
Wall-to-wall housing services
Do you feel confused or overwhelmed by the prospect of buying a house in DC? This is a great time to buy when interest rates are low! Our staff of trained professionals will make you mortgage ready with three steps.
- Education. Attend our homebuyer workshop to learn about the home-buying process, step by step. Our counselors discuss budgeting to buy a house, finding a lender, self-repairing credit, working with a realtor, understanding settlement and maintaining your house.
- One-on-one counseling. We walk through your personal challenges and create an action plan that will help you budget, improve your credit and prepare you for homeownership.
- Housing Assistance. DC offers up to $80,000 through its housing assistance program (HPAP) for income-qualified residents. Qualified DC government employees can receive an interest free loan that is repaid with the house is re-sold, re-financed or no longer the owner’s principle residence through the Employer Assisted Housing Program (EAHP). There is no income qualification for EAHP, and residents can use it to purchase a house up $726,525. UPO’s counselors will help you apply for these programs.
To reserve a spot for our next homebuyer workshop or to make an appointment, please call : (202) 231-7922 or email
Budget and Credit Counseling
Our home buying and counseling services also include education designed to show you how to spend credit wisely, manage money on a day-to-day basis, and develop plans for reducing debt and saving for the future.
Individuals who are not affiliated with a bank or have limited access to banking services can access our financial literacy programs and products through UPO’s partnership with Bank on DC.
For more information about our financial literacy services, please call : (202) 231-7922.
Housing Services Workshop Registration:
Low—income DC residents demonstrating a hardship, can receive payment for back rent or first month’s rent and security deposit through the Emergency Rental Assistance (ERAP).
Please call: (202) 231-7922 or email for an appointment.
(+ Prevent Foreclosure) WORKSHOP
You CAN maintain and keep your home.
Even if you’re overwhelmed, ask us for financial advice:
Our certified experts will give you a toolkit with your options, including the financial assistance that fits what you need.
You will learn your rights and responsibilities, and get more knowledge, self-confidence, and a plan for the future.
Sign up and let us help you!
Questions? Call (202) 231-7922 or email