Foster Grandparents
Our “Foster Grandparents” — senior volunteers who mentor schoolchildren — have found their purpose in life, and are improving their own health by staying engaged and active. NBC News saw their powerful impact; so did the Washington Post, and even Voice of America, who showed why other countries could benefit from UPO’s approach.

Every principal wants more Foster Grandparents in their school, and every teacher loves the unique relationship that Foster Grandparents have with students.

Now is your time to become a Foster Grandparent! If you are a senior 55 or older who is income-eligible and ready to learn best practices for teaching children, we invite you to apply. Please download the linked form and follow the instructions to submit to UPO.
For the CBS News series “A More Perfect Union,” the network was eager to shine a light on our Foster Grandparent program and how it helps children, seniors, and teachers.