Your Finances & Home
UPO’s financial and housing counseling are critical for many DC residents. To meet the growing need, we are partnering with DC government to operate the District’s Financial Empowerment Center (see the video). We also offer free tax preparation and we are working with premier developers to deliver new, deeply affordable housing.

Rhoda and her UPO Certified Housing Counselor created an action plan that laid out her steps to becoming a homeowner. When she closed on her new home, she thanked UPO and said, “Dreams come true with the help of people that believe.”
Your Finances & Home
Financial Empowerment Center
Our Certified Financial Counselors give professional, one-on-one, free financial counseling to any District resident, virtually and in person (at our Petey Greene Community Service Center). To make your appointment for help with banking, saving, credit, debt, etc., contact (202) 682-6572 or
Tax Preparation & Financial Literacy
UPO offers free tax preparation by IRS-certified experts to DC households who earn up to
$58,000/yr. And our team holds financial literacy workshops on topics such as budget and credit.
Affordable Housing
UPO partnered with premier developer TM Associates to create new, high-quality, dignified affordable housing for households who earn up to 50% of the area’s median income. The first two buildings include 177 new homes.
Housing Counseling and ADU
As a HUD-approved Housing Counseling Agency, UPO holds workshops on topics such as homebuying. To register for free workshops, contact (202) 231-7922 or UPO also co-created a handbook on how to build an ADU (a 2nd home on an existing property) with Citi and the Coalition for Smarter Growth

See Affordable Housing for this building’s story
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Our Valued Partners
DC Dept. of Insurance, Securities, and Banking
DC Mayor’s Office
TM Associates
U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development