Affordable Housing
UPO is proud to partner with developers to deliver new affordable homes for households who earn up to 50% of the area’s median income. Once a family has a home, we can help them with education, health, and employment issues. Housing is a persistent concern for DC residents, and UPO’s Legislative Advocacy team is working to reform housing policy.

High Quality + Dignity
Our first pair of buildings with developer TM Associates were the first new affordable homes in Washington, DC’s SW quadrant in well over a decade. The Dept. of Housing and Community Development said that the combination of high quality and affordability is “unprecedented” and that “we look to this as a model” for the District.

Wraparound Services
For tenants who are emerging from homelessness, UPO’s Permanent Supportive Housing team offers onsite wraparound services to help residents succeed in their new homes and achieve the highest possible quality of life. Our Case Managers help them to gain stability, addressing issues of education, employment, and mental and physical health.