“Quality Improvement Network” Centers
In addition to the Early Childhood Education Centers that UPO operates, we train 13 other centers in DC’s Early Learning Quality Improvement Network (QIN). This initiative leads to more children and families benefiting from early, continuous, intensive, and comprehensive child development and family support services.

What Makes QIN Special
DC’s Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) has partnered with UPO to provide professionals who support center directors, teachers, children, and families with coaching, family engagement, health and nutrition, mental health, early intervention, and family-led goal-setting.

Benefits for You
QIN programs enhance children’s physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development, and they help you become a better parent. Using the Head Start Program Performance Standards and research-based best practices, children receive high-quality individualized education from birth to age 3 and you get the support you need.

Your Voice is Important
Join the QIN Parent Policy Council to stay involved in the decision-making for our program goals, objectives, and curriculum. You can also testify about funding at the DC Council’s Committee on Education, and we have a parent on the UPO Board of Directors to ensure that parents are always heard.