Home-based Program
A trained Home Visitor comes to your home every week for 90 minutes to help enhance your child’s physical, social, emotional and intellectual development. In addition to being an educator, the Home Visitor also helps you take care of your child’s health with coordination, referrals, and screenings.

What You Gain
Your Home Visitor teaches you how to build the foundation for your child’s success in school and in life. You can join group socialization activities and your entire family gets comprehensive services (health, nutrition, disabilities, etc.).
“Parent as Teacher”
You, as a parent, are your child’s first and most influential teacher and advocate. We give you the tools to succeed. With the Parent as Teacher Curriculum, your child can develop, learn, and grow to realize their full potential.
Who We Serve
The Early Head Start Home-Based Program provides free services to pregnant women and to children up to the age of 3 who meet the Federal Income Poverty Guidelines and are residents of the District of Columbia.

My home visitor listened with her heart, paid attention to my concerns, and provided emotional support. When I didn’t have the strength to continue with my daily routines, she was there to hear me with respect and encourage me. Thank you!