UPO Office of Early Learning Centers
Each of our 17 Early Childhood Education Centers provides a full suite of services for children and their families: High-Quality Learning – Developmental Screenings – Individual Assessments – Parent Engagement – Physical Activities – Health Services – Nutritious Meals – Diversity and Culture

What Makes Us Unique
A UPO Center is a one-stop shop where you build a solid foundation for future success. Our Family Engagement Specialists go beyond education to give you extensive benefits:
Coaching, including parenting workshops – Mental wellness – Parent leadership – Training for nutrition, disabilities, etc. – Coordinated case management

Our Promises
Our comprehensive programs for birth to age 3 include high-quality individualized education. Each center is open Monday through Friday from 7:00 am until 6:00 pm. We promise you: A 4:1 teacher-child ratio – No more than 8 children in a classroom – Teachers with the credentials and experience they need to nurture the children in their care

Your Voice is Important
Join the Parent Policy Council and stay involved in the decision-making for our program goals, objectives, and curriculum. You can also testify about funding at the DC Council’s Committee on Education, and we have a parent on the UPO Board of Directors to ensure that your voice is always heard.

Brittany trained at UPO and became an amazing teacher. With her deep understanding of child development and careful observation, she identified a child’s suspected developmental delays. On behalf of all parents, we say: Thank you, Brittany!