Joisane Yepmo
Parent Policy Council Representative (of Low-Income families)
Hadiyah M. Muhammad
Representative of Low-Income Residents
Robert W. Warren
Dr. Christine M. Warnke
Representative of Low-Income Residents
Robert Thorne
Oliver Spurgeon, III, Esq.
Representative of Low-Income Residents
Aron Szapiro
Dorjan Short, MBA
Jennifer Park, Ph.D.
Salim K. Adofo
Representative of Low-Income Residents
Laura Manville
Shakira Hemphill, SHRM-CP
Rhonda N. Hamilton
Representative of Low-Income Residents
Loren Trull Cox, Ph.D.
Christian Clansky
Lafayette Barnes
Designated by Mayor of the District of Columbia
Michael Austin, Esq.
Designated by Mayor of the District of Columbia